Micho En Francais Et Englais

Saturday, October 28, 2006

What a week!!

the last week was so hard, for me or for the situation in Iraq, i won't talk about the situation here cuz i'm sick of it. every night when i go to my room and try to sleep, i always think that my sister will follow me and lay on her bed, we talk, laugh, or listinning to some music then sleep, and i will wake up next morning and see her sleeping on her bed, all the last week i kept thinking on this way, we have a lovely room, we spent a realy good time together...but i know so well that she will not follow me ths time, i know she is not here, and when i will wake up i won't see her on her bed, sooo i decided to be more factual, and take the radio to listen to some music, i choose Somer FM, the first song was "viva forever-spice girls" then "bryen adams-please forgive me", '' enrique- number one" , and all the songs that my sister and I like so much and remind us of each other....i couldn't help my self and i cried, cried, cried, in the dark and no one can hear me....Sis i realy miss you so much, i don't know why i felt it this week more than the lasts day after you go to U S ...

i'm not sad and don't want you to be, but that's my feeling, and when i remember that you made one of your dreams came true..i feel sooo good and smile, then i wish you a good night and sleep in peace...

Miss you so much


At 8:17 PM, Blogger Bassam Sebti said...

She'll be back with her achievement and success. You'll be so proud of her and forget all the days you spent without her.

Golli Ya Allah.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Morbid Smile said...

I promised you not to cry when I read the post, but I couldn't help it! I was, too, remembering all the times we had together and how we used to spent the nights in our room listening to our favourite music and playing Tomb Raider or Snake in the cellphones! Those were so precious times.

I'll be back inshalla and will sleep in my bed again, unless you will be married and living in another house by that time! ;)

Miss you so much too, susu.

At 12:20 AM, Blogger Caesar of Pentra said...

Oh, how sweet! Anyways, gurl! You are not alone with that pain, we all feel that pain. I'm here in Baghdad leaving ma family behind in Syria. I'm here to finish ma study (and you may say my life also).
Nice idea to post in english...
Keep it! Ur english is good!

At 12:27 AM, Blogger Caesar of Pentra said...

Alors, Tu peux parler francias! C'est bonne nouvelle idea!
Je parle francais mal....
Bonne chance et Vas y!

At 11:58 PM, Blogger Marshmallow26 said...

Dear Micho,

Congrats on your new blog.

At least you have emails, phones and chat to keep in touch with your sister not like the olden days , right?

Take care...

At 3:03 AM, Blogger Michomeme said...

treasure of baghdad:
yes she'll be back i know that, but sometimes you can't help it when you realy miss someone close to you and spent your life with..
and i realy so proud of her...min zaman :)

Ya Allah.

morbido: dont cry sister, i'm so happy for you..so just do your best and have fun, take good care of your self, love you

do you think i will get married in this time? and you are not with me?? no, i don't think so :)

marshmallow26: thanx dear i thank God that we have the internet ...so we can chat anytime we want..

مرحبا ريم واهلا بيج، كلنا نتمنى ان نكون ويه اهلنا واصدقائنا وحبايبنا، اصدقاء المدرسة والجامعة والجوارين، وكل الناس الي نحبهم ونعرفهم ونبقى نتواصل وياهم بكل وكت وشوكت ما نريد واي مكان يعجبنا لكن للاسف حتى احنة بالعراق ما كمنا نتشاوف ونسوي تجمعات بين الاهل لا بالمناسبات ولا بدون مناسبات لان الوضع الامني سيء سيء سيء سيء سيء جدا، ما نكدر نطلع لاي مكان نخاف يصير بينا شي، الشوارع فارغة الا من قوات الاحتلال والمليشيات المسلحة، القتل على الهوية صار منتشرة بصورة واضحة، الخوف متملكنا بكل وقت، ماكو امان ولا استقرار للجميع صارت بغداد مدينة اشباح
فلا تتمنين انو تكونين هسة ببغداد بهذا الوضع لان ما راح تتحميلين الي يصير ويانا، واذا تكولين على ايام الثمانينات ايام الخير رغم الحرب احنة كلنا كمنا نكول على ايام حكم صدام حسين ايام الخير لان احسن بهواية من الثمانينات واحسن من هاي الايام الي نعيشها
كلنا نتمنى الوضع يتحسن والكل يرجع ومحد ينجبر يترك بيته واهله وناسه بس هاي الدنيا بيها الحلو والمر واملنا برب العالمين جبير وان شاء الله يهدي نفوس العراقيين ويشيل هذ الغمة ويحفظ الجميع يا رب..

بالمناسبة..حاولت ادخل للبلوك مالتج بس ماكو..

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Omar Fekeiki said...

i know this is too late, but i am lazy!
your sister is trying to be a better someone. when she is back home, you will feel like she never left but some how she is a much wiser person. i hope you get the same chance to finish your studeis, especially now after everything collapsed in iraq.
we are all with you. i know we are not living the same misery now, but believe me, we all are feeling guilty for not doing so.

i hope you will feel better soon.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Michomeme said...

hi Omar..how are you and how is your study...you are not late i know you are all busy...

i'm so happy for my sis and for you all coz you've got the chance to study there...and make your dreams come true..

so good luck..and have fun in the same time..

don't feel guillty..just feel lucky..you are from Iraq..and study in U S then you will comeback and be proud of your self..


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